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Social Educators Change Lives
The 21st AIEJI World Congress of Social Educators will take place in Copenhagen from May 19-22, 2025, with the theme "Social Educators Change Lives." The program includes, among other things, presentations from international experts, exciting workshops, and visits to social pedagogical workplaces with high professionalism and expertise. Registration is open – secure your spot for this inspiring world congress now! #aiejicph2025 #socialeducatorschangelives

Buone pratiche in Educazione professionale - Area delle Dipendenze patologiche
Call for Abstract
nell'ambito di "Addictus" il 5° Forum Nazionale sulle Dipendenze Patologiche, organizzato dalla Medicina delle Dipendenze dell’Azienda
Ospedaliero-universitaria integrata di Verona
che si terrà dal 1 al 3 dicembre 2023 a Riva del Garda (TN),